Monday, November 16, 2009

School Pictures

Is there anything more exciting, yet nerve wracking (did I spell wracking right?) than the traditional school photos that your children bring home every year?

I don't know about you, but I always look forward to the day each year when I pick my children up from school and find THEIR SCHOOL PICTURES IN THEIR BACKPACKS!!!!!!

This year was tough.  Elizabeth had her picture taken waaaay back in September.  But then, one of the grades in her school was out on a field trip that day and had to have their pictures taken almost a month later.  And then, the school wanted to have all student pictures arrive on the same day, so we didn't get Elizabeth's pictures back until just last week. 

I am not lying when I tell you that I was asking her every other day:  "Did you get your pictures back today Elizabeth?".  I am pretty sure she thought I was crazy.  Maybe I am!

Alexandra's pictures, on the other hand, went much more smoothly.  She got them taken, and about two weeks later, she came home with them.

So.  The nerve wracking part.

I'm not sure why I get worried about this.  I have the two cutest kids in the universe (You know you think so too.  Don't deny it).  So, if they're that cute, why would their school pictures be any different?

Well, I think it's because I take a lot of pictures of them (Really.  A LOT.) and only about 10% of them turn out "good".  Good is defined here as:  looking at the camera with a non pained look on the face, and eyes are open.

Even though I know it: a) doesn't matter if they're good or not and b) I can have them retaken if necessary, I am always excited/nervous for the day that they'll arrive.  And this year was no different.

But, and you can take a look for yourself, I think the wracking of the nerves was totally unnecessary.

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