Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The First Day

Today was the first day of school here in Michigan.  Well, for public school kids, anyway.  One of my friends teaches at a Catholic school and they started back last week.  But they also get out a full week ahead of my kids, who will be trapped in their classrooms until June 14th.  AH!

Anyway, today was the first day back for Elizabeth and Alexandra. 

Elizabeth is in 3rd grade this year, so this was all old hat for her.  In fact, after we got her and her stuff to her room I said "well, after we get your stuff put away....." she interrupted with "you'll leave?".  Even though I had been planning to say "I want to get a picture of you", I said "Yes, we will leave".

Alexandra, on the other hand, was starting at "real" school for the first time this year.  She went to preschool last year, but that was only 3 mornings a week, for a couple of hours.  This year is every day, every afternoon.  She's doing a young 5's program this year since she doesn't actually turn 5 until the end of November. 

She did really well though at our drop off.  She was very shy going into the classroom, but settled in all right, and once she was busy working on something, I left.  I cried a little, but only a little, and only after I was out of her sight.

Both girls had good days.  Elizabeth likes her teacher and only one kid in her class got in trouble (compared to, oh 50% of the class who got in trouble multiple times a day last year).  Alexandra said one kid got in trouble for not sitting "criss cross apple sauce" (not sure he actually got in trouble, but, we'll go with what she says) and only one kid wet his pants.  Success!


Foursons said...

Yay for good first days!

Michelle Pixie said...

Oh they are absolutely adorable! Happy to hear it was a great day. :)

Martin said...

Thanks for writing such wonderful article.